Summer Camp '99 - England
This year's annual CYM summer camp, named in honor of the composer Voldymyr Ivasiuk, was held at Tarasivka, near Derby, England, from 24 July to 14 August. Nearly 300 people took part this year, including 2 girls from Ukraine.
Staff for the first week included: Volodymyr Pawluk (Commandant), Yosyf Kupranets (camp master), Stefan Kopchyk (kurinyi), Ulana Buchok (kurina), Roman Pawluk (head instructor), Natalia Ciapryna (secretary), Maria Leschyshyn (medic), Maria Kopchyk (head cook), Ihor Yavorskyi (quartermaster), Mykhailo Kopchyk (chotovyi).
The first week of camp included both educational and recreational topics, but mainly focused on training the older children to be future councelors. Lectures were also given on the Internet, ranging from 'Ukrainianizing' computer systems to where to find Ukrainian web sites. Campers also had the opportunity to demonstrate their athletic prowess in football (soccer), netball, basketball, and track and field events. Football was definitely the most popular sport, with many thinking they could be the next Andryi Shevchenko. The football and netball teams played against local teams from nearby Derby. The football match was an easy victory, and netball -- well, there's always next year. The camp traveled to Derby to hold an athletics competition held at a local stadium. Many campers then went swimming at a nearby pool. The pool managers were so impressed with the campers they promised to even put water into the pool next year!
Friday evening of the first week was spent at the Ukrainian Social Club in Derby. A good time was had by all...
The majority of the younger campers, including sumenyata, arrived on 1 August. The two groups of sumenyata, Sonechka and Metelyky, were the responsibility of Hania Shliakhetko, Halia Korniichuk, and program director Myroslana Finiv.
For the second and third weeks staff included: Zenko Lastovetskyi (Commandant), Yevhen Kokhan (camp master), Davyd Senyk (head instructor), Myroslava Finiv (program director for 'sumenyat') Maria Dzhula (secretary), Volodymyr Kovalyshyn (quartermaster), Natalia Volosetska (chotova), Khrystyna Kozak (chotova), Symon Hunka (chotovyi).
Many topics were covered during the rest of the camp, including lessons on Stepan Bandera, Patriarch Yosyf Slipij, and composer Volodymyr Ivasiuk. Many of Ivasiuk's songs were sung at a choral competition at the end of camp. The best pieces from the competition were recorded, and for the first time, released on CD!
Members of the Ukrainian scouting organization PLAST visited on 2 August to take part in various sporting competitions. Everyone enjoyed themselves, in spite of the fact that CYM was not successful on the field. There's always next year . . .
The next day 14 campers hiked to Calke Abbey, a round trip of 14 miles. Though a bit tiring, they found the trip well worth the time and effort.
One cannot forget to mention the Camp Concert, encompassing both song and dance. Also, tradition continued with the publication of the camp journal, containing various reminiscences of camp, and more.
With tears in some eyes, the campers sadly returned home, keeping in mind they could return next year and do it all again.
The National Board of CYM in Great Britain would like to thank everyone involved in this year's camp for their hard work and dedication. Hartuis!