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This site in Ukrainian "Flowers of Ukraine"
A Festival of Ukrainian Youth in Extonia

Flowers of Ukraine - such is the name of the festival the musical arts of children and youth, which took place in the city of Tallinn. For over two hours, girls and boys dressed in traditional Ukrainian costume sang songs and danced to national melodies on one of the finer stages on Tallinn.

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The event began on a solemn note. It was opened by the head of CYM-E, the Ukrainian Youth Association of Estonia, Volodymyr Palamar. His opening words were followed by a greeting from Minister Paula-Erika Rummo, presented by Olha Burmakina. Also present in the hall was the Cultural Attache of the Embassy of Ukraine in Estonia, Tetiana Horupovych. The hall rang with the sounds of the Ukrainian and Estonian national anthems.

Äóåò «Ñòðóìî÷îê», ì.Òàïà This was the fourth international festival of Ukrainian arts for children and youth, all of which have been conducted byu the Association of Ukrainian Orgranizations and the Ukrainian Youth Association in Estonia. On this occassion, the Tallinn festival attracted girls and boys from Narva, Marda, Tapa and Parna. Attending the festival were children from the dance studio of recreational and ballroom dancing, from the Ukrainian city of Uman.

Today, Ukrainian organizations are active in practically all ciries of this Baltic country. Ukrainians in Narva, "Stozhary" in Mardu, "Vitchyzna" in Parna and "Orfei" in Tapa, "Prosvita" and "Koit" in Tallinn - the list goes on. Each of these organizations includes children's groups which are active in the preservation of their Ukrainian heritage, culture, and national identity. As in the past, an excursion into the Estonian capital was conducted for all guests.

The festival's participants ventured to the Mustyaevskyj Children's building, where they performed for many children. Among the participants of this charity concert were the guests from Uman. This has become a Àíñàìáëü «Âåñåëêà» ì.Ïÿðíó wonderful tradition of the festival Flowers of Ukraine - performances before similarly aged children of other cultures on their home turf. On the stage, soloists could be heard, as well as dancing ensembles. Several variations of the hit "Ty zh mene pidmanula" were presented, as well as the "Song of Mother", "Chervona Ruta", and for some additional variety, a group of boys presented a break dance! The concert also featured the choreographical ensemble "Kolor" from Tallinn, "Veselka" from the city of Parna, "Verbychenka" from Marda, and the youngest of the soloists from "Orfei", based in the cityof Tapa.

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