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This site in Ukrainian Parma Internet Gathering: CYMnet Committee Formed

On 10 November 1996 CYM's World Executive gave a mandate to the U.S. National Executive Board to create a presence for all of CYM on the Internet. In accordance to this mandate, a group of CYM (Ukrainian Youth Association) members from around America held a conference on 27 February 1999, in Cleveland, Ohio, and accepted the responsibility to develop both a worldwide CYM site and a site for CYM in the United States.

Parma PhotoThis conference attracted CYM members with a diverse range technical and computer skills, as well as those who had only limited experience with computers. However, they all shared two things - a love for CYM and a common interest in the Internet.

Armed with technical knowledge, and extensive requirements gathered from CYM members around the world, the group envisioned an indispensable resource for CYM members around the world. In the course of two days, amid gruelling brainstorming sessions, content and functionality was prioritised, and a new vision of a world wide presence for CYM on the Internet took shape.

It became evident that the implementation of a world class site on the Internet, that would support a rapidly-growing number of proposed features, would be an enormous undertaking. The group recognised the need for a permanent project team that would work to make the vision a reality. The participants of the Cleveland conference formed a committee designed to create and maintain CYM's Internet presence. In a matter of weeks, the committee grew to include members of CYM from 7 countries on four continents. Thus the CYMnet Committee was formed.

Presently, the CYMnet Committee continues to expand as National Executives of CYM in numerous countries name their representatives to the body, and other CYM Webmasters join in the effort. The evolving site at is the first product of the efforts of the CYMnet Committee. It is a step in the process to establish a site filled with general information for those who have a desire to learn about the organization, as well as a wealth of resources and materials for CYM members.

With a mandate to bridge the gap between CYM members around the world and provide a medium for communication and sharing of information, the CYMnet Committee has committed itself to a schedule of planned feature releases that will happen incrementally over the coming months. The CYMnet Committee can be reached via email at

Find out more about the Committee.
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