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World Executive's Plenum

Toronto, Ontario played host to this year's Plenum of CYM's World Executive (Svitova Uprava) from 24 to 26 November 2000. Members of the World Executive, its committees, and invited guests met at the Christie Street CYM locale, among them national CYM presidents from Belgium, Canada, Germany, Great Britain and the United States. This year's meeting in Toronto is the last scheduled Plenum before the World CYM Plenum 2000 Congress, to be held in the autumn of 2001.

The Svitova Uprava deliberated and took decisions on a number of important issues during the three day round of talks. On Friday, the first day of meetings, each National Executive presented a report outlining recent accomplishments and current status in their respective countries. Complementing the reports of attending national presidents were reports forwarded from Australia, Argentina and Ukraine, whose presidents were unable to travel to Toronto. A major part of the second day's deliberations revolved around the planned VI World Zlet in Ukraine on the 10th Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence, to be held next summer in Ukraine. The Plenum heard a detailed report from the Planning Committee outlining progress in the planning process. The Uprava then held detailed discussions on various aspects of the proposed Zlet program and itinerary, which begins in Lviv and features excursions through several regions of Ukraine, culminating in its capitol, Kyiv, where participants will witness and partake in the official national ceremonies commemorating the 10th anniversary of Ukraine's independence. Among notable decisions of the Plenum was a ruling lowering the minimum age of participants from 16 to 13 (under the supervision of parents). Details about this and other important Zlet news are forthcoming to sumivtsi through their National Executives.

The next round of deliberations involved matters relating to CYM's publications and media. A portion of the agenda was dedicated to the children's magazine Krylati, whose well-received new editorial board has just Plenum 2000 completed its first year on the job with high praise. Also on the agenda was CYMnet, CYM's technology and Internet project. An ongoing bylaws project was considered and approved, the CYMnet emblem made official, and a several other issues discussed and considered.

The Svitova Uprava took steps in anticipation of next year's World CYM Congress. Items on the agenda included formation of commissions charged with preparations for the Congress, consideration of introducing changes to CYM's Bylaws, the CYM uniform, and the Pravylnyk Yunatstva (Youth Member Handbook). Also discussed and approved were the Haslo and anniversaries that will be commemorated by CYM worldwide in the year 2001.

At the first plenary session, the Svitova Uprava was presented a collection of letters with questions, comments and proposals written by sumivtsi around the world and addressed to the Plenum by way of the Internet. Members of the Uprava expressed a special interest in the mail; this correspondent noted that a number of Uprava members referred to the correspondence repeatedly during the course of the discussions. CYMnet eagerly awaits responses, which will be posted on these pages as they arrive from the Svitova Uprava!

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