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This site in Ukrainian National Referenty Druzhynnykiv Meet
14 October 2009

On October 14, 2009, the Ukrainian Youth Association’s (CYM) Svitova Referentura Druzhynnykiv gathered for a meeting in Munich, Germany. This meeting was in conjunction with the annual meeting and plenary session of CYM’s Svitova Uprava that took place on October 15-16, 2009 as well as the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the death of Stepan Bandera, head of OUN, on October 17-18, 2009.

Participants of the meeting were the Svitovuj Referent Druzhynnykiv, Stepan Duma (Australia), zastupnyk Svitovoho Referenta Druzhynnykiv, Lida Jendzjowsky (Canada), and National Referenty Druzhynnykiv from Canada, Germany, Ukraine and the United States of America, as well as representatives from Australia and Great Britain.

Referenty druzhynnykiv from each country reported activity and involvement of their druzhynnyky on both the national and branch levels. Each highlighted both positive accomplishments as well as areas of improvement.

During the meetings participants discussed the VIII Svitovuj Zlet Druzhynnykiv (World Jamboree) that is to take place during the Olympic winter games in Vancouver, Canada, from February 12-21, 2010. The organizing committee is currently accepting registrations for druzhynnyky who are still interested in attending. The program includes attending Olympic games, sightseeing, and group discussions about druzhynnyky. Other topics of discussion included review of the proposed changes to the current ‘Pravylnyk Druzhynnykiv’, and future plans for druzhynnyky across the next two years. The focus of druzhynnyky will be to increase and revive Druzhynnyk activity, and encouraging them to active participation in CYM on a wide range of levels and in various disciplines, whether it be a National or branch level, or whether it be in an educational, organizational, cultural, international or athletic capacity.

Also, CYM’s participation in the Conference of Ukrainian Youth Organizations (KYMO) in affiliation with the Ukrainian World Congress (CKY) was discussed. A motion to designate Yurij Symczyk (USA) as CYM’s representative to the conference was presented by the Svitova Referentura Druzhynnykiv to Svitova Uprava’s plenary session where it was accepted unanimously. Congratulations and best wishes to Yurij, wishing him much success as he takes on this new position. The plan for the Svitova Referentura Druzhynnykiv for the 2010-2011 years includes:

  1. Creating Referentury Druzhynnykiv on a branch level
  2. Organizing conferences/seminars/camps to encourage the development, betterment and education of druzhynnyky. These educational experiences can cover a wide range of topics, they can be ideological in nature, historical, political, based on current Ukrainian events or can include leadership training.
  3. Organize events that have a more relaxed and entertaining nature to them, a sporting event, cultural event, or social event.
  4. Encourage druzhynnyky to become active in the Ukrainian community whether it be through church groups, by joining Ukrainian professional groups, or participating on a Ukrainian sports team.
  5. Continuing to prepare and send bulletins about the work of druzhynnyky all over the world. The Svitova Referentura has already released two issues, which have included articles, photos and information about upcoming events.
The camaraderie that developed amongst the referenty druzhynnykiv throughout the meetings and commemorative ceremonies was truly unique and one can only hope that the friendships will last for the years to come. The next meeting of the Svitova Referentura Druzhynnykiv will take place in the days prior to CYM’s World Congress in 2011.

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