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April 2002

Computers for Youth

Hope in a world of evolving technology
For over a year, a CYMnet program called «Computers for Youth» has been growing and expanding. As a result, almost 20 CYM locations in North America and Ukraine have found themselves on the receiving end of over 50 computers (and more to come!) to assist in their work with Ukrainian youth. Accompanying the donated hardware comes the prospect that CYM will not be left behind in a world where technology is evolving at light speed.

In Ukraine, CYM's National Board has established a close working relationship with CYMnet. Its members currently have editorial responsibilty for Ukrainian language content on CYM's Web site, and routinely assist with translations and new content on the site. Much of this work is possible as a direct result of the technology delivered through «Computers for Youth». To date, CYM in Ukraine has received 8 laptop and 5 desktop computers, and more are on their way. Additionally, significant quantities of computer supplies, electronic parts and upgrade packages have been sent to Ukraine to help extend the life of existing computers. As a result, oseredky have improved their ability to handle administrative tasks, and have also begun to develop their own Web sites. Today, three oseredoks - Kyiv, Lviv and Ternopil are represented on the World Wide Web.

Of the computers already delivered to Ukraine, the National Board's presidium has distributed them to its National Offices in Kyiv, and the Lviv, Kalush,

Bohdan Ben inspects a shipment
of computers at Lviv Oseredok
Dnipropetrovs'k and Telmaniv (Donetsk oblast) branches
of CYM in Ukraine.

Following the recent Second National CYMnet Conference in Ukraine, there is every reason to expect growth in CYM Ukraine's presence in the "virtual" world. Eight oseredky took part in this event, of which several began work on new Web sites even during the conference itself. Progress indicates imminent unveilings of local sites of the Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnyts'kyj, and Telmaniv oseredky, as well as Ukraine's first youth site, built by a rij of Kyiv oseredok's yunaky!

During the «Computers for Youth» program's first year of existence, a number of oseredky in the United States made technology requests for administrative and educational uses. To date, nine (9) U.S. oseredky (Baltimore, Binghamton, Chicago, Goshen, Hartford, Irvington, Minneapolis, New York City and Passaic) have each received either one or two computers. Four computers have found a home at Ellenville's summer camps. Another four are assigned to National Board and National Educational Council offices, and two more machines support CYM's Emergency Medical Aid to Ukraine project.

Canadian delegates attended the recent Canadian and American CYMnet Webmasters' Conference in Ellenville, following which several computers were transferred from CYMnet to CYM in Canada. The first oseredok to benefit from this is the recently founded Ottawa oseredok, and plans are in the works to supply additional oseredky with needed technology as they are requested.

The huge success of the «Computers for Youth» program is a result of the contributions of many, who are due our thanks: Pawlo Figol, Jurij Stecko, and Andry Bihun, who renovate, rebuild and bring the donated machines to full functionality before they are distributed; to Wolodymyr Wyrsta, the Joint Ukrainian-Americal Relief Committee (ZUDAK) and the many other individuals who have helped transport the machines across the Atlantic; and to the international software development corporation which has so generously donated many computers (to date, over 80), but whose wish for anonymity we must continue to respect.

The «Computers for Youth» program continues to grow and distribute technology to local CYM organizations. We invite those who would like to donate computers for this program to help us to help our youth! We seek machines 266 MHz or faster, with Pentium II or later processors. To contact the program, write to If your CYM oseredok would like to take advantage of this program to receive a computer, please write us!

Read about how «Computers for Youth» began...

- Vadym Karpiak (Kyiv)
This site in Ukrainian

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