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This site in Ukrainian CYM Offers Excursion to Antarctic!
April 1, 2006

Not many nations can boast a permanent station in the Antarctic. A few years ago, after Ukraine proclaimed her independence, a gift was bestowed upon Ukraine by Great Britain - the antarctic research station "Faraday". This outpost now bears the name "Vernadskyj", and is inhabited by courageous scientists who conduct research important research into our planet, its climate and the affects of humans onlife on Earth. One of those living at Vernadskyj is Vasyl Dubko, a CYM member from Kyiv oseredok. From time to time we receive communications from Vasyl about Ukrainian life on the sixth continent. Druh Vasyl researches processes and mechanisms of polar ice melting and is an expert on mainland geology. Recently, when a large iceberg weighing 100 thousand tons broke off from the mainland, the event caused ice shifts in inland parts of the continent. Investigating some newly created fractures, Vasyl Dubko discovered an previously uncharted peak in the Antarctic region. Taking advantage of traditional laws of discoverer's rights, he named the peak after CYM's founder, Mykola Pavlushkov.

The Ukrainian Youth Association received an invitation from the Ukrainian Researchers of the Southern Hemisphere to visit the Vernadskyj station in August of this year -- the opportunity exists because every year in August an airplane departs for the Antarctic from Kyiv's Borispil Airport to deliver food, mail and technical machinery required by the sation's researchers. CYM's World Zlet Planning Committee, taking precendent from group excursions at the 1988 Zlet in Rome, has decided to allow a small splinter group of Zlet participants to take on a special mission - a three-day journey to the southern hemisphere for ten (10) people. The flight departs Borispil on August 20, returning to Kyiv on August 23.

The three day program will include meeting the Ukrainian polar researchers; a ceremonial raising of the Ukrainian flag over the newly discovered peak; snow motorcycling; an expedition to an iceberg and an opportunity to photograph penguins in their natural habitat; a barbecue; and the sumivtsi will also have the opportunity to help the resident scientists to perform meteorological measurements.

Individuals who are registered for this year's World Zlet and who are interested in participating in the three-day Antarctic excursion should apply as soon as possible. Applicants must proved a scanned copy of their passport, a statement from their doctor attesting to their medical fitness, and a 3.5 x 4.5 cm. photograph in JPEG format for visa application, and email to

Applications will be accepted only until April 30, and must be sent to All costs associated with the excursion in included in the cost of Zlet.

Participants of the Antarctic mission are rquired to have warm gear: a parka jacket, insulated boots, thermal hat and gloves, wool socks and scarf, and a sleeping bag rated for minus 42 degrees Celsius.

Important! Because of special environmental restrictions for the protection of polar wildlife, all visitors to the Antarctic continent are required to be innoculated with a bird flu vaccination to safeguard against an outbreak of the bird flu among the indigenous penguin population.

If more than 10 applications are received, the World Zlet Planning Committee will select finalists based on the postmark date of their applications. Finalist status is contingent upon applicants being able to obtain a visa at the General Consul of Antarctica in Ukraine.

  • Check out the Official Vernadskyj Web Site

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