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The following were formally approved by CYM's
World Executive for the year 2011:

  • In 2011 we commemorate:

    • 65th Anniversary of the reestablishment of CYM in the diaspora
    • 150th Anniversary of the death of Taras Shevchenko - naitonal prophet of Ukraine
    • 20th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Act of Ukrainian Independence
    • 70th Anniversary of the Act of Reestablishment of Ukrainian Statehood
    • 25th Anniversary of the Chornobil Catastrophe


  • CYM's Haslo for 2011:

2011 Haslo
This year’s haslo provides direction for our work, as well as providing some guidance in our work on ourselves. Our haslo allows us to reflect on and helps us formulate our worldview. This year’s CYM haslo sets before us one of our principles, which is a constant for us – Defend the honor of Ukraine. We should always be ready to defend the honor of Ukraine, defend truth and the right for Ukraine to be a free and sovereign nation with its national and human rights and freedoms in tact. We see that our responsibilities as members of CYM, whether we live in Ukraine or in other countries of the world, are the same, in that, we should ensure that truth, national rights and freedoms, human rights are ensured; that any actions that threaten these rights and freedoms are exposed.

If Ukrainians and among them members of CYM had not ensured that the truth about events such as Holodomor 1932-1933 were not disseminated then other governments in the world would not have recognized this tragic truth as a genocide. They would not have recognized Ukraine as a sovereign nation 20 years ago if Ukrainians around the world had not provided information about Ukriane, its history, culture and current affairs. We need to ensure that we are aware politically and historically, that we are organized and active and not complacent, that we continue to learn and grow and improve personally and in our chosen professions.

This year’s haslo are words taken from graphic art by Nil Khasevych (1905-1952), who was a politically aware graphic artist, a member of OUN and the Ukrainian Liberation Rada. He expressed his love of Ukraine through his art and his commitment to a free and sovereign Ukraine. A year before his death he wrote:

I cannot fight with arms, but I fight with a chisel and mallet. I am a cripple and fight during the time when many strong and healthy people in the world don’t even believe that such a fight is possible… I want the world to know that the fight for freedom continues…that Ukrainians are fighting.

His words and his art should be an inspiration to us. They are witness that everyone can find a way, if they believe in their principles, to defend the honor of Ukraine in work and art or other actions; to stand up for the truth and point out injustices against people and against their nation. With this haslo this year We stand on guard for freedom we want to express our readiness to defend the honor and truths about Ukraine as a free and sovereign nation that has a right to its language, culture and traditions. Our responsibilities are not complete; we need to be vigilant and be ready to speak out against any injustices. Let Khasevych’s words inspire us to find our way to stand on guard for freedom, to defend the honor and truths of our nation.

A CYM calendar of additional commemorative dates for 2011:

  • 415th Anniversary of the proclamation of the Union of Brest
  • 360th Anniversary of the victory of Ivan Bohun over the Poles at Vinnytsia
  • 200th Anniversary of the birth of Markian Shashkevych
  • 175th Anniversary of the birth of Sydor Borobkevych
  • 155th Anniversary of the birth of poet Ivan Franko
  • 145th Anniversary of the birth of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi
  • 140th Anniversary of the birth of Lesia Ukrainka
  • 140th Anniversary of the birth of writer Vasyl Stefanyk
  • 135th Anniversary of the birth of Serhiy Yefremov
  • 135th Anniversary of the Ems Decree which banned use of the Ukrainian language
  • 125th Anniversary of the birth of of Heorhuj (Yuriy) Narbut
  • 100th Anniversary of the births of leaders of the liberation movement of OUN-UPA: Dmytro Myron Orlyk, Omelian Hrabets, Rostyslav Voloshyn
  • 100th Anniversary of the birth of dissident Mykhailo Soroka
  • 120th Anniversary of the Ukrainian immigration to Canada
  • 95th Anniversary of the birth of Yevhen Konovalets
  • 90th Anniversary of the Bolshevik mass shooting of 359 Ukrainian captured soldiers at Bazar
  • 90th Anniversary of the the naming, as Metropolitan, of Vasyl Lypkivskyi
  • 85th Anniversary of the death of Symon Petliura
  • 25th Anniversary of the death of Yaroslav Stetsko
  • 25th Anniversary of the death of the head of the Ukrainian Red cross, Kateryna Zarytska
  • 20th Anniversary of the death of OUN leader in Ukraine, Zynovyi Krasivskyi

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