Stamford CYM Members Present
Ukrainian Nativity Play - "Vertep"
December 25, 2011
Christmas Day mass-goers at St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral in Stamford, CT were regaled with one of the most beloved Ukrainian Christmas traditions when members of Branch 54 “Khersones” of the Ukrainian American Youth Association (CYM) in Stamford presented a beautiful rendition of the Ukrainian “Vertep” (Nativity play.)
The children-actors, under the direction of their “vychovnyky” (counselors) and parent volunteers, ranged in age from 4 to 12 years old. They had spent countless hours practicing for this event and their dedication and efforts were well rewarded with loud applause and numerous compliments.
Many of the older parishioners tearfully recalled memories of their youth in Ukraine while they watched the performance. Recent immigrants from Ukraine in the parish, many of whom send their children to CYM in Stamford, watched with pride, knowing their children are keeping alive a tradition they hope they will not forget in their new country.
His Excellency Bishop Paul Chomnycyky of the Stamford Eparchy along with Rev. Ihor Midzak, Pastor at St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral, and the Rev. Bohdan Danylo, Rector of St. Basil’s Seminary, were among the delighted audience members that day. They remarked on how professionally the children delivered their lines and how the Vertep enhanced the joyful, festive atmosphere already in the church that Christmas Day.