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"Khortysia" Camp, 2001

CYM camp at oselya "Khortysia" in Huntington, Ohio, began on the beautiful, warm, day of July 22, 2001.

CYM camp started off with "panakhuda" or prayer service. The first evening we had "zapiznenia taboru" or getting to know the camp and staff. This year's camp staff, or komanda was:

Komendant Marko Farion
Administrator Pani Natalie Smolilo
Holovni Vykhovnychi podruha Luba Gudz , podruha Irka Danalewycz, and podruha Luba Rosza
Bonchuzhni Taras Rosza
Sportovij Paul Sinenky
Pysar Diana Prodan
Obosna Alya Holowatyj
Obosnij Yuri Kozij
Vporyadnyky Andrew Didytch, Deanna Lys, and Lisa Korduba
Kurini Katia Lys, Stefanie Kmiotek, Danylo Diaczun, and Yosyf Ciczkewycz
and of course the awesome kitchen ladies... Pani Irena Prodan, Pani Julia Firmanchuk, Pani Myroslava Tesluk and we can't forget Pani Lynda Hupert!!

All these people made up the 2001 komanda, and they all worked together to make this the best camp yet!!

Komendant Marko Farion started off camp with a flourish, carrying on two night games in a row!!

In the first week, our head vykhovnychi, podruha Gudz and podruha Danalewycz, kept us busy, bringing in the "LifeFlight" helicopter, ambulances, fire trucks, and special guest speakers.

Tuesday night the tabir had a luau on the beach put on by our wonderful vporyadnyky, Deanna Lys, Yosyf Ciszkewycz, and Andrew Didytch as the DJ.

Wednesday afternoon the starshi started their hike to Findley State Park. They hung two huge tarps from trees (thanks to our sportovij, Paul Sinenky) and spent the night in the park.

Thursday afternoon the starshi spent the day canoeing in the state park, and the molodshi joined them for a fun picnic in the park.

Friday night we had our traditional vatra, under the direction of podruha Luba Rosza.

Saturday night the camp had its second vechirka, a night full of dancing and fun.

Finally came the end of the week and the camp had dozvil. Unfortunately, we lost some campers and part of our komanda, but dozvil always means another week of fun for those campers that stay.

The second week of camp our sportovij Paul Sinenky planned an Olympics!! All the campers and the komanda participated in events like the long jump, tug-of-war, water balloon toss, and scavenger hunt.

Monday evening, Deacon Jeff Smolilo came and played "Jeopardy"

Tuesday evening was the third vechirka of camp, a Fiesta. All the girls got dressed up in their favorite outifits and were ready to party.

Friday evening was our second vatra. While we were all excited to end camp, we were sad to leave all our friends, and most got teary eyed while singing "tykho na tabori" at the end of the vatra. Those tears were long gone however dancing our last night at camp away.

Saturday, August 4 finally came along, and it was time for moleben and zakrytia taboru, with hugs and tears, everyone parted to head in their own directions until next year.

Thanks to everyone for great memories that will last a lifetime!!

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