Vykhovno-Vidpochynkovyj Camp
Although Vyshkilnyj camp ended on Saturday July 21, 2001, the next day, Oselia
CYM in Ellenville was once again buzzing with youthful voices. On camp grounds
space became limited as parents and children scurried from place to place, and
excitedly signed up and unpacked. Amidst this chaos the campers gradually began
to settle in.
Around 4 o'clock in the afternoon Vykhovno-Vidpochynkovyj camp i.m.o. "10-year Anniversary
of Ukraine's Independence" began its commencement ceremony with the director of CYM summer camps Andrij Bihun inviting the following to join the camp leadership:
Head counselor - Wolodymyr Kohut
Bunchuzna - Monica Soroka
Head educational counselor - Olenka Lenczuk
Secretary - Irene Lieber
Hutirky instructor - Irene Tymkiw
Hutirky instructor - Marta Matselioukh
Hutirky instructor - Ihor Symchych
Arts and Crafts instructor - Chrystya Woch
Sports instructor - Mychajlo Szpyhulsky
Chorus instructor - Halyna Cechowska
Counselors and Instructors
Fun and Games
...and more Photos!