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This site in Ukrainian Commencement of a Golden Jubilee
December 31, 2004 - Ellenville, NY

by Lida Mykytyn

In the company of friends, on the eve of a New Year, the Ukrainian American Youth Association (CYM) officially started a year of celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of its Oselia in Ellenville, New York. A cocktail party and a formal culinary banquet, prepared by chef Billy Kravetz, initiated the evening. "Chornozem", the youthful orchestra, provided music throughout the evening for the dancing pleasure of all those who attended. Petro Kosciolek, the Oselia’s Administrator, chimed in the New Year and the new celebrations with the aid of “Chornozem”. The festivities continued well into the late night, with music from Kyiv’s Majdan Nezalezhnosti adding to the atmosphere, reminiscing the victory of Ukraine’s Orange Revolution.

The year 2005 is a very important one for CYM’s Ellenville Oselia. For over 50 years, this Oselia has hosted hundreds of tabory and hundreds of Zlet and Zdvyh events for youth, as well as countless banquets, celebrations, Olympiads, and much more. Its grounds witnessed the birth of many lifelong friendships, courtships and many marriages. The sounds of laughter and pitter-patter of tiny feet has blessed this Oselia. So many fortunate Ukrainian children were able to experience the joys of its existence… The Oselia also blossomed as the physical building of athletic fields, a convention building, a pool and other sports terrains, summer camp quarters, chapels, and more transformed it into the place we know today. The building and upkeep of these facilities were mainly due to the volunteerism, financial support and spirit of its members.

Oselia CYM in Ellenville is positioning itself for the next 50 years. It has built a new tabir on old Blueberry Hill, is hosting a beautiful new chapel in commemoration of the lives destroyed during “Aktsia Visli”, and has extinguished its mortgages. With the beginning of a New Capital Building Fund, the Oselia will be upgraded and portions rebuilt, getting ready to welcome the next generations of CYM members.

For further information on the 50th anniversary celebrations, please visit Oselia CYM’s website at:

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