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Our 50th-1999 | 50th Anniversary Oselia in Baraboo-2011

Wings Sports Club 50th Anniversary

The Wings Sports Club celebrated its 50th anniversary with a number of festivities throughout the 2002 year, punctuating on the glorious past and present accomplishments. First, they hosted the 7th annual Great Lakes Tournament in the Chicagoland area during the Memorial Day weekend, with Ukrainian based teams competing from Toronto, Detroit, Cleveland and the Chicagoland area. Then came the 10th annual Wings S.C. soccer camp in Baraboo, WI where participants all received a commemorative 50th anniversary t-shirt and all enjoyed another great World Cup tournament in their respective age groups. Following the soccer camp, the Wings S.C. hosted its 15th annual Baraboo Tournament in Baraboo, WI.. Over eigtheen (18) teams, six (6) in the men's open division and twelve (12) in the over thirty men's division competed for the "Wings S.C. Baraboo Tournament Cup".

The year long festivities concluded with the Wings Sports Club 50th Anniversary banquet and dance. This was held on November 16, 2002 at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Chicago with over 350 participants in attendance representing all generations of members and well wishers. The evening opened up with a cocktail hour where many reunions were rehashed and participants were able to view an ongoing slide show, trophy display, and pictures capturing many great memories. Truly many Kodak moments were shared!!

After the cocktail hour, the formal portion of the evening started with a lively sports dance rendition capturing all of the sports represented during these years, performed by our young members of the American Ukrainian Youth Association and its club members. This dance rendition concluded with a standing ovation which just charged the entire hall with electricity, excitement and set the tone for the rest of the evening.

The formal part of the program continued with many congratulatory wishes from state and city officials, as well as from many of our local civic leaders and organizations. The formal part of the program concluded with special lifetime achievement awards presented to Julian Kulas and Marion Kolody, which were presented to them by Chrystya Wereczak, president of the American Ukrainian Youth Association Chicago branch, and Paul Kulas, the chairman of the Wings 50th anniversary committee. After the formal ceremonies concluded, everyone enjoyed the 'zabava' part of the evening, which was extended an additional hour, as many of the participants reminisced and shared stories of their Wings S.C. experiences.

***Please note, "Wings S.C. 50th Anniversary Commerative Book 1952-2002" were handed out to all participants during this gala, but if anyone would still like a copy of this book, please contact Paul Kulas or Marion Kolody through our webmaster for details.

Wings 50th Committee members (left to right):
Yaro Dachniwskyj, Taras Jaworskyj, Roman Vichrij, Marion Kolody,
Pat Harrison, Danko Dykyj, Paul Kulas, (not pictured: Oleh Kulas)
a close-up of the centerpiece showing a soccer player and Wings logo, flanked by the 1970's hockey plaque and 1950's bowling trophies
The Wings Lifetime Award honorees: Marion Kolody and Julian Kulas
The reunion of th Wings ladies volleyball dynasty team of the 1960's and 1970's
The reunion of the 1982 Wings NSL soccer championship team coached and trained by Yaro Charczuk (sitting second from right)
The skiers and snowboarders were also present
A representation from each decade of championship teams: soccer, volleyball, hockey, bowling, and track & field

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