On Saturday, March 5th, 2005, in the auditorium of Sts. Volodymyr and Olha, Plast held its annual “Vechir Samodialnosty”. This year they invited our Oseredok to take part. Starshi roji Tsvit Paporot’, Zaporozhtsi and ensemble “Vinok” took part.
Rij Zaporozhtsi along with Druh Andrij Kosowsky did a skit called “The Vychovnyk” which was very funny. Rij Tsvit Paporot’ along with Podruhy Andrea Maksymiw and Chrystyna Drozd did a skit called “Students who teach the teacher”.
Ensemble “Vinok” sang a song.
The Plastovy hurtky had a variety of skits from showing the Plast uniform over the years, Ukrainian Star, On Television, Yushchenko versus Yankovych, and the song “Razom Nas Bahato”.
The judges gave prizes for the best skits: 1st place Hurtok Iskra, 2nd Rij Tsvit Paporot’, 3rd Hurtok Pymy and the Art Award went to Ensemble “Vinok”.
Congratulations !!!!
After the skits, there was pizza, soda, and sweets for the kids. For our first time at Vechir Samodialnosty, we really did enjoy ourselves and hope that Plast invites us again next year !!
Podruha Natalka Kowal
Druh "Donald" and Markian |
"rij Tsvit Paporot" and pod. Andrea & Christina |
Druh "Donald" and Jarema |
"Vinok" ensemble |