Newsletter #4/ 2005
Chicago, August 30, 2005
To the members, parents, friends and supporters,
The Executive Board of the Pavlushkova Branch sincerely welcomes everyone after the summer break! We extend our sincerest congratulations to all of our members who received certificates of merit at CYM Youth Day, as well as the youth members who received merit badges for the successful completion of exams. The Board would like to thank the members of the organizing committee for the CYM Youth Day Picnic under a masterful guidance of podr. Kristin Matusiak, everyone who helped in the preparation of the event and anyone who bought lottery books. Sincere thanks to the administration of the Baraboo resort under the leadership of Michael Tchoryk for the preparation, renovation and upkeep of the Baraboo resort during the summer season. The Board expresses appreciation to the camp organizing committee with Deanna Wruskyj as a Chairwoman for organizing and hosting the summer youth camps. We would like to thank the entire resort administration, personnel, and all who helped make this year's Soccer Tournament a success. The Board thanks all the parents, members, patrons, counselors and Oselya workers who assisted in making this a pleasant summer season at the Oselya. Last but not least, A special gratitude to Druh Mark Krutiak and Ephyra rock band who performed on the 4th of July weekend!
Continuing AUYA Branch Activities - Activities for the Yunatstvo will begin Saturday, September 10th at 1:30 pm in the AUYA auditorium. It is mandatory for all the Yunatstvo to be present in their uniforms. We will hold an Apel and registration for the youth groups. The Bulava requests that all parents pay their child's membership dues for the entire year and to pay any outstanding balances.
Commemoration of the Great Famine - Genocide - The Foundation of the Ukranian Famine - USA chapter is sponsoring a unified Panachyda on Sunday, September l8th, 2005 at 1:00 pm in memory of the lost lives of the Great Famine - Genocide of 1932-33. The Panachyda will take place at St. Nicholas Cathedral located at 2238 W. Rice St. All Yunatstvo and members are to be present in uniform for Zbirka on the field near the cathedral at 12:45 pm.
Camps at the Oselya in Baraboo for the summer of 2006 - We request that all members, parents and patrons who would like to help with camps for the following summer season inform podr. Deanna Wruskyj or drub Marion Kolody of this interest.
The Choir of the AUYA Pavlushkova Branch - We encourage interested singers to join the choir's membership for practices every Monday at 7:30 pm in the AUYA building.
Preparation for Winter Camp - We remind the older Yunatstvo that the camp membership requires each person to be an active member of the AUYA who participates in youth groups and other activities.
CYMnet - Stay informed with all of our branch activities on our Web-Site -
Mark Your Calender:
- September 3rd-5th - Official close of the Oselya in Baraboo, WI
- September 10th - AUYA Branch activities and registration begin
- September 18th - Commemoration of the Great Famine-Genocide
- October 15th - Panachyda in memory of Stepan Bandera
- October 29th - Halloween party for the Yunatstvo
For the Executive Board;
Marion Kolody - President,
Michael Tchoryk - Resort Administrator,
Andrij Kosowsky - Bulavnyj,
Serhiy Mykhalyuk - Secretary