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Winter Outing 2000
in Baraboo, Wisconsin

30 starshi members from the AUYA branches in Chicago (M. Pavlushkov branch) and Palatine (col. Dmitro Vitovskyj) along with 6 counselors attended the Winter 2000 Trip at our oselia in Baraboo, Wisconsin. This annual trip is intended for active members of "starshe yunatsvo" only.
The goal of this trip is to give an oportunity for members of both branches to get to know one another and to reward them for being active members in AUYA.
There were various activities: getting to know the oselia in winter, field games, snow football, tobagganing, and iceskating in the town of Baraboo. Most successful was sking or snowboarding at the nearby ski resorts. Their responsibilites included taking turns in preparing all the meals for the group.
They also visited and sang Christmas carols to nearby ukrainian families in Baraboo and Wisconsin Dells.
The youth attending this trip are grateful to the 6 counselors for taking the time out from work and from their own families to help make it a success: Maria Groshko, Taras Glubisz, Jaroslaw Ben, Victor Groshko, Wally Chomyk, and to Marion Kolody who initiated and organized this trip. This winter excursion did accomplish its goals: to acquaint members of the two branches and to reward them for their active membership in AUYA.

lunch: a team effort getting to know the oselia in winter
ice skating skiing and snowboarding at Cascade Mountain
Field games getting to know you
hutirka carolling
tabogganing our vykhovnyky
group photo tug-of-war
our turn to cook

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