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Walk-A-Thon 2000

On Labor Day weekend, September 2 through 4, 2000, members of Chicago and Palatine branches of CYM participated in the Walk-A-Thon at the Oselia in Baraboo, Wisconsin. There were about 75 participants who collected pledges to raise funds toward the renovation of the barn at the Oselia. Participants ranged from ages 5 through 55 and all successfully completed the 10K walk.

The barn (stodola) is a prominent structure at the Oselia, which was purchased by our branch in 1961. This building has two floors. The first is the kitchen and dining area for the campers and guests. The second floor is a large hall, which is used during the camps for various activities, such as, a place to do crafts and presentations by vykhovnyky. During inclement weather campers and guests gather here for the traditional "Vatra", or during other festivities "zabavas" are held here.

In earlier days, the barn was used as a place for weekend guests to stay and was the given the name "Hotel Marichka". Guests would bring their own bedding and sleep on hay. Since then, of course, the motels were built on the Oselia to accommodate our guests more comfortably.

During the Labor Day weekend, the Walk-A-Thon wasn't the only event to take place. Later, on Saturday evening there was a "zabava" with a Hawaiian theme where everyone danced to the sounds of the band "Yavysche". Sunday was filled with games for all. Those who were interested were able to watch the Chicago Bears football game on a huge screen provided especially for this event. Later, there were two showings of the infamous film "TARAS BULBA" to which the audience participated at the sound of "Zaporozhtsi!"

This weekend was enjoyed by all that attended. Understandably, to organize such a successful event takes time and effort for which credit goes to the committee headed by Paul Lewitskyj and Mary Krutiak and to all the members and helpers.

Although this event was a success, we've only reached a third of the amount needed to cover the cost to refurbish the barn. This renovation is necessary in order that we may continue to use it. If you would like to make a donation, which is tax deductible, please make check payable to A.U.Y.A. (American Ukrainian Youth Association) and mail to:

A.U.Y.A. (Barn renovation)
2457 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622

Walk-A-Thon participants Let's start walking
Down Luebke Road Downhill is easy
Walk-A-Thon-ers Gatorade anyone?
Watching the Chicago Bears fun and games


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