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Sviachene 2001

On Sunday, April, 29, 2001, CYM Chicago had its traditional Sviachene in the CYM hall. Druh Taras Drozd led the program and opened with "Khrystos Voskres". Fathers, mothers, grandparents, yunatstvo - molodshi and starshi, sumenyata and druzhynnyky filled the hall with the response, "Voistynu Voskres".

"Yunatstvo" were dressed in their uniforms on stage and sang two versions of "Khrystos Voskres". The "Sumenyata" along with their "podruhy" recited a poem about the traditional Ukrainian Easter bread - "paska". "Rij Tsvit Paporoti" said two poems about about "pysanky" - Ukrainian easter eggs.

After the "yunatstvo" sat down, "roji - Fijalky, Rusalky, Solovejky" did "hahilky" (traditional Ukrainian Easter dance) on stage. Druh Drozd then introduced Msgr. Yaroslaw Swyschuk, pastor of St. Nicholas Cathedral, to bless the food and say the prayer. Rev. Valerij Kandiuk and Rev. Volodymyr Hudsan were also our guests from St. Nicholas Cathedral.

Guests partook of the many delicious foods prepared by volunteer parents, under the direction of pod. Natalka Fafendyk. Ladies of WADFFU, Oksana Meshko Branch, donated the delicious Easter breads, "Paskas". Druh Drozd introduced the following guests from neighboring institutions and organizations : Dr. Julian Kulas from First Security Federal Savings Bank, Mr. John Oharenko from Selfreliance Ukrainian Federal Credit Union, Mrs. Olha Fedak from WADFFU - Oksana Meshko branch, Mr. Iwan Telwak from ODFFU - 8th Branch, and Mr. Lew Bodnar from UCCA.

Podruha Chrystya Wereszczak, our branch president, gave her annual "state-of CYM" address which let everyone know what is going on in CYM and the meaning of Easter. During the "Sviachene", guests had the opportunity to donate for pysanka - which goes to the needs of the "Oseredok" and "yunatstvo". The "pysanky" were donated by pod. Stefa Ostapczuk and pod. Marusia Remeniuk.

Druh Drozd then introduced Rev. Yaroslav Mendyuk, from Sts. Volodymyr & Olha church, to do the closing prayer.

And with that, another Sviachene went into our history.

(written by podruha Natalka Kowal)

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