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Metropolitan Stephan at "Youth Day" in Philidelphia
As has become tradition, the UPA branch in Philadelphia celebrated the end of the educational season with their annual "Youth Day". This year the festival was held at "Tryzubivka" on June 3rd, 2001 and began with a 'zbirka', or organization of the young Sumvitsi. It was followed by the raising of the Ukrainian and American flags and singing of the SUM anthem. From there they marched to the pavilion for the blessed liturgy.

Metropolyt Stefan The field mass was led by the Reverend Stefan Soroka, the new Archbishop of Philadelphia and Metropolitan of Ukrainian Catholics in America. In cooperation with the board of the Sports Club "Tryzub", the Sumivtsi welcomed the respected guest with a large sign reading "Welcome Archbishop". Upon arrival, a delegates of the organization along with members of the Ukrainian dance ensemble "Vesna", greeted the Metropolitan in uniform and Ukrainian national costumes and presented him with the traditional gift of bread and salt. In his greeting speech, Branch President Ivan Javorsky spoke of the motto "God and Ukraine", thanked the Archbishop for his understanding of the needs of our youth, and wished him much success in his tenure as the leader of our Church in America.

After the service, the official portion of the day was held, with the distribution of awards for the season's work. After lunch, sports were played and a cultural performance of song and dance was given by the children. To end the festivities, the official closing was held where the flags were lowered with the singing of the Ukrainian National anthem.

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