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This site in Ukrainian After Independance

After the Declaration of Independance of Ukraine in 1991, it seemed as though a lot of things might change. The fundamental aims of the Ukrainian Youth Association did not change. CYM's purpose is still to educate young ukrainians in a christian and national spirit.
What did change was that all the chairmen and the committee members of CYM in Manchester have come from a generation born in the UK. They continue to live by the motto "God and Ukraine", but under a strong influence of their english environment and today, it is probably more difficult than ever to educate a new generation of CYM members. Young youth leaders try to ensure the future of CYM in Manchester by leading by example and commitment. A third generation is growing up and some of them will one day take over the leadershp and the committee in Manchester.

Branch photo of those attending the regional rally in Manchester

The success of the Manchester branch lies in the regular activities every Saturday. Thanks to the long serving activities co-ordinator, Mrs G. Mandzij, who organises a programme including lessons preparing for badges, folk-dance groups, choirs, sport, crafts, shooting and excursions. Young members of CYM acheive success and recieve badges and certificates at a CYM commemoration day for Kruty.

Activities Embroidary

Cultural education and awareness of our ukrainian heritage continues successfully. The dance groups which were once taught by Mrs. Maria Babych and Mr. Dmytro Paradiuk continue under a new choreographer Mrs. Linda Szlachetko, who has taken over responsibility for "Podilya". "Podilya" take first prizes at regional and national CYM competitions as they always have and have many trophies. They also do many performances for english audiences and for charity. Podilya took part in the International Eistedfodd in Llangollen, Wales.

in LLangollen

MoreSee more photos of Podilya

Choirs of junior and senior members and the newly formed choirs of over 18s and under 6s with various conductors also perform at the rallies almost every year and are very successful and popular. The more confident members, young and not so young, represent the branch in poetry recitals and are very well received.
Summer camps are always very popular and well attended by members of Manchester branch at Tarasivka and the European Sport Olympiada and Winter Camps in Frankopole, Belgium.

In 2000, 2 members of our branch went to summer camp in Ukraine as instructors and youth leaders.

Vychovnyky in Ukraine

In every aspect of CYM life Manchester branch is exemplary and the national committee chose to have their 50th Anniversary Banquet and Ball in Manchester in 1998. Years of good work and co-operation led them to entrust this to Manchester.

The Manchester branch supports all the events and functions held by the national committee with physical help and technical expertise at regional and national competitions and during summer camps. This entails a lot of hard work, dedication, organisational skills, enthusiasm and commitment. 40-50 members of the Manchester branch go to camp every summer - from sumenyata, junior and senior members, youth leaders and instructors, technical help and kitchen staff and members of komanda.

Language Lessons

Sluzhbova Youth Leaders

Flag bearers

Zabava Zabava

In 1999, Manchester branch once again received the highest honour bestowed by the National Committee on one of its branches the annual flag for excellence.
Here we are again with the flag for excellence for the year 2003-4.

Manchester with 2 flags!

  This site in Ukrainian

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