Thank you to those guests who drove/flew from far away to commemorate
Werchowyna this weekend. A special thank you to those who volunteered to work
many long hours over the 4 days and to those who have also worked for months prior.
We are currently setting up a photo and video gallery on the website where you
will be able to see more of the celebration along with a place for comments and
Werchowyna 50th anniversary souvenirs including a commemorative DVD and booklet
which will be available for purchase online and at the CYM Budynok contact Inessa at 514 728-8816.
Although the weekend is over plans for renovations and updates for Werchowyna are still on-going.
Donations for Werchowyna 50th will continue to be collected and Halia Holowka
can provide you with more details with the fundraising efforts and can be
contacted at: 514 954-0740 or
Mnohaya Lita Werchowyno thank you, its been a great 50 years and
we look forward to the next 50 great years!
Bohdan Bezpalok
Head Werchowyna 50th Komitet