The Leadership Seminar was held in conjunction with the AGM/Plenary Session of CYM Canada from February 17-19, 2012. Participants included 18 older youth and young adults from the following branches: Calgary, Edmonton, Hamilton, Mississauga and Etobicoke. The Seminar was lead by Sonia Bien, Maria Wowk and Tamara Tataryn from Toronto. The program focused on leadership and goal achievement. During their group sessions, the participants were able to familiarize themselves with information about leadership, as well as the various forms of achieving their goals.
In addition, only those participants who successfully completed their chosen project from ‘module one’ in the fall, were able to take part in this, the second module.
The participants joined the first part of the Plenary Session to familiarize themselves with the reporting process of the AGM, the
reception on Friday evening and Divine Liturgy.
The National Executive takes this opportunity to thank Sonia Bien, Maria Wowk and Tamara Tataryn for their dedication and time committed to preparing our future leaders.