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Fall Zabava
As has become tradition at our branch, the end of October, the start of November means it is time for a Fall Zabava. This year was no exception as the zabava was run organized by our older youth.


During our regular CYM time, the older youth were engrossed in a very interesting session with druh Andriy Nurek


During that time, our sumenyata were busy creating a family of pumpkin-yata. It so happened that the pumpkin-yata were rather active, and it was a challenge to collect them up for a group photo. We eventually succeeded!

Once the regular activities were done, the older boys led some fun activities and contests with the rest of the younger youth. Why only the older boys? Well, the older girls were busy rehearsing with podruha Beata for some up-coming performances. Nonetheless, the older boys managed quite capably with their task of entertaining the kids. After all, they do have some practical experience with working with the younger kids as well as taking part in councillor-training camps during the summer.


Slavko did not even get a break from his post, as there was a continuous lie-up of kids wanting their faces painted.


This is not the result of Slavko's work of art, but the results of the "best mummy" contest. Who actually won is a good question. Judge for yourselves who is the best mummy!


By far, Ivan ran the most contests that day. He was great at explaining the rules and demonstrating. Even with all his expertise, he never actually won a thing.


It was a good thing that this pumpkin was tough. Getting passed around from person to person as quickly as possible proved its hardiness.


Podruha Marusia assisted the older boys with this final contest. Not only did it take courage, but a fierce competitiveness to actually "dive in" for an apple!


Well, and what would a zabava be without a dance? Everyone danced all they wanted and whichever way they wanted!

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