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CYM Tabir Chervona Ruta imeni Nezabootnikh Predkiv

Under beautiful skies, without any tornado warnings this year the Ukrainian Youth Association (CYM) Calgary and Edmonton branches had their annual vyhovno vidpochenkovi tabir , at St. Basil's Villa on Holobene Ozero from July 19th to July 31st. Attendance this year was extremely rewarding with over 70 children attending ranging from ages 3-17. Camp prohramova Marusia Shysh from Calgary organized a very informative program with a diverse range of activities keeping the children constantly motivated. With the help of newly involved young counselors the youth was kept busy from early morning rukhanka (zaryadka), and apels, into the late evening with the singing of nitch vzhe ide.

Starshe unatstvo participated in a three day, 18 hour First Aid and CPR training, Fencing presented by the Edmonton Fencing Club, and Tai Kwon Do, instructed by Edik and Stas' Pavlenko added to the excitement of those attending. Examples of a few activities are "Trypillian digs" on the beach, Nichnyy Alyarm to practice First Aid and discussions on well known historical events and individuals as Ivan Mazepa, Stepan Bandera, and composers Volodomyr Ivasiuk, and Ihor Bilozir. Leadership qualities, community work, and health and wellness issues were also included in the daily activities. Special thanks go out to our guest speakers Roman Brytan, Irka Szmihelska, and Ksenia Fedyna who spoke on the history of music, Mazepa, Baturyn, and involved the kids in a game of Ukrainian Jeopardy, quizzing them on the materials presented at camp and Cymoznavstvo..

As usual childrens/unastvos favourites were enjoying daily sporting activities such as soccer, volleyball, canoing, terenovij ihry, treasure hunts, terenoznavstvo, pvoryad, swimming, boating and even a little fishing. Arts and crafts, learning new songs and repeating favorite camp songs with Unastvo who brought their guitars out added to the musical sounds which permeated through the camp, including a trumpet to wake up to in the morning. Kozak Olympics took place on Friday July 24th and many humorous skits and songs were performed by all at the Vatra on Saturday July 25th

A keepsake of daily journals, and pictures drawn by the all the taborovyky were included in a book with a CD of pictures which each camper took home of the wonderful time spent with their friends. What more wonderful conclusion could be celebrated than a display of fireworks and dance which continued into the night.

As Komendant I especially found it so rewarding to work with such dedicated, vyhovnky, vporyadnyky, and parents who assisted us continually with the daily running of the camp. Thank you to both Calgary and Edmonton branches for all the preparations for this camp. The youth and young vporyadnyky were especially astonishing to work with during this camp and their excitement and passion for their culture and spirituality was truly demonstrated in a Christian family manner. Many new friendships developed and countless tears were shed when it was time to go home. Everyone is counting the days until we will meet again at our special two week camp.

Chrystia Musienko Komendant Taboru Holova CYM Calgary
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