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50 Littya Sviatkoviania Cymivskoho Taboruvannya v Alberti

Over One Hundred and Fifty Participants, some including four generations of Cymivtsi gathered together on the Heritage Day weekend of July31st to August 2nd nad Holybenem Ozerom v Alberti to commemorate 50 years of CYMivski Tabory v Alberti. Edmonton and Calgary Oseredky spent a pleasant weekend reminiscing, and the weekend was filled with fun and festivities to commemorate this special event. Some families stayed in the familiar baraky and many brought their trailors and/or tents.

The original idea for this reunion originated with Michael Miskiw, grandson of Hrytz Prockiw, the first komendant of Alberta's CYM tabir in 1959. Families began arriving Friday evening and settled into a vatra at which everyone got to sing their favorite songs well into the night. On Saturday morning Iryna Chuchman-Jendzyowska Holova Krayovoi Uprava CYM Kanady welcomed every one at the official apel where as though they had never left young and old stood together in their lavy. On behalf of CYM Edmonton, Holova Oseredky Taras Podilsky, greeted those attending and officially handed the tabir over to the weekend Komendant Chrystia Lyps'ka Musienko, Holova Oseredky Calgary as well as the Honorary Komendant and long time vykhovnyk Mrs. Natalia Talanchuk of Edmonton. Saturday afternoon was filled with sports tournaments, soccer, volleyball as well as relaxing by the beach, swimming, boating and fishing.

Having just arrived from Ukraine on a tour with Verkhovyna Taras Podilsky's narrative down memory lane held special meaning for those attending , as did a film originally done by Roman Brytan and slide show prepared by Roman Luciw, with pictures and movies as far back as from 1959. The pictures included many taken by Yaroslav. Fedoriw (Alpha Photo Studios) and also many other CYM members over the years. It was a very emotional evening filled with special memories and many tears. Mr Hrytz Prockiw, Petro Dackiw and Nataliya Talanchuk who were on komanda from the beginning of the 50 years of cym taboryvanya were honoured as were those members no longer with us. With Fireworks exploding into the night the evening ended with the usual Vatra and Zabava and although many people had not see each other for many years, it was as though they had never apart, and yet had so much to catch up on. Our CYM Tabir played a very important role in our lives, gave us a special place to grow up, taught us Christian values, the Ukrainian culture and united us as one big Ukrainian family.

Special thanks goes to Ms. Orysia Talanchuk our head cook for this weekend who cooked up some very tasty food. A special acknowledgement goes to the organizing committee including: Mikhajlo Miskiw, Olesia Luciw-Andriyovich, Taras Podilsky, Yurko Stebelsky, Juliana Masiuk, Bohdan Shewchuk, Orest Boyarchuk, Roman Luciw, Larissa Luciw, Timko Basaraba, Andrij McDonald, Marusia Shysh and Iryna Jendzyowska, and everyone who helped with any aspect of the reunion. This event would not have been possible without your hard work and dedication. A special thanks goes to the administration of St. Basils Villa, for their many years of support and for allowing us to feel at home for two weeks every summer. Lito

Chrystia Musienko, Holova Oseredky Calgary Komandant Zizdoo   This site in Ukrainian

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