a founding member of the Montreal Branch of the Ukrainian Youth Association and worked tirelessly to promote the growth of its membership and its organizational development
the Organizational Director of the UYA’s Montreal Branch and a founder of the Trembita Mens’ Choir and the traditional New Year’s Malanka
a promoter of the purchase of Camp Werchovyna and the organizer of the Fundraising Campaign for its development
the organizer of the first summer camps at Werchovyna
a gifted Counsellor, the Educational Director and Bulavnyj of the UYA’s Montreal Branch
a promoter of the purchase of the UYA’s Domivka on Duluth Street and the land for the construction of the present day Ukrainian Youth Center in Montreal
President of the Ukrainian Youth Association in Montreal
a member of the National Executive of the UYA for many years and its Executive Vice President
a founder of the Building Committee for the Ukrainian Youth Center in Montreal and the chairman of its Fundraising Committee
a member of the Administrative Committee of the Ukrainian Youth Center for many years and the director of its Building Improvement Fund
the founder of the UYA’s Archives in Montreal
Vichna Yomu Pamiat!
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