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  • Belief in God - Christianity/Taking courses of action that are not offensive to God and our fellow man. Thoughts and actions should be of the highest quality and intention. Also means growing our gifts from God - our skills and talents
  • Pride in Ukrainian Heritage - ensure that this not a low priority - this requires that you come to an understanding of what it means for you to have Ukrainian heritage
  • Loving and honouring your parents
  • Love of Your Fellow Man/helping people in need
  • Knowledge Building - maintaining thoughts at a high level of quality and broadening general knowledge and world view/knowing yourself and thinking how you can better yourself and the world
  • Idealistic Life Philosophy (rather than materialistic) Focus on the notion of 'we' rather than 'I'/ fostering spiritual beauty and strength
  • Not being a passive observer of life - but being a participant
  • Human goodness and justice and respect for others
  • Faith, Happiness and Optimism
  • Understanding of Obligation and Responsibility
  • Pride in CYM/participation in CYM life/not letting it be weakened by the actions of others
  • Respecting your own dignity, the worthiness of others- practicing tolerance and abhorring the demeaning of any individual
  • Nurturing faith in your own abilities and strengths.
  • Fostering friendship
  • Caring for your health and respecting your body
  • Knowing, understanding and protecting nature

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