Easter is a time for celebrating Christ’s resurrection. With our families we part take in many
Ukrainian traditions, one being the blessing of the food baskets. Traditionally our CYM Oseredok in
Melbourne celebrates this time as family. Our youngest members together with our Yunatsvo and their
families come together. This year was no different Each family willingly brought along an item of
food either paska, eggs, meat, cheese from their Easter basket, which had previously been blessed on
Easter Saturday. Together we ate whilst answering questions regarding Easter and Jesus’ life. This
was great experience for those present
Following their feast, the children were led by vychovnytsia Tekla Jaworski in dancing and singing
traditional Ukrainian hailky. The parents provided the music singing as well. It was great to watch
the older members of yunatsvo assisting the sumenyata in showing how to do the actions.
Sister Maria Moravski SSMI , visited from Geelong and also joined in the celebrations. In building
community and identity these kinds of events provide a catalyst for growing together and sharing
experiences. This event proved also to be an important learning experience.
Theresa Romaniw
Press officer