FUN RUN – CYM CAMP 03 - 04
CYM camp in Melbourne for 2003-04 was a huge success. Part of the reason behind this was due to the FUN
RUN, which was organised by Christina Polatajko who did a brilliant job. The FUN RUN took place on Sunday
28th December.
The reason behind the FUN RUN was not only to obtain fitness, but also to raise money for the children of
Ivan Havdyda, Deputy Chair of OYH, who was murdered in Ukraine.
The track was approximately one and a half kilometers long and was mapped out around the camping ground.
The duration of the activity was one hour and the aim was to run, walk or crawl around the track as many
times as possible within the hour.
The FUN RUN was an enormous success due to the involvement of all those who participated in camp. For
those who were unable to run/walk the track, they helped out by marshalling the event. Even our Rev.
Bishop Peter Stasiuk partook in the FUN RUN, by both walking and marshalling the event. Mothers with
children in prams got involved, as did parents with gown children. The ynatsvo acted as though they were
in training for the Olympics and ran around the track until their bodies could no longer take it. At the
end of the hour they sat in a line out the front of the first aid ward blistered and cramped by their
efforts. The next morning the rest of the participants who ran in the event joined the ynatsvo in
hobbling around the camp with aching bod??s. These sore bodies were a reflection of the efforts of all
those who took part in the FUN RUN challenge.
Theresa Romaniw
Press Officer