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On Sunday May 18th 2003, CYM Melbourne celebrated Den’ Yunatsvo. Traditionaly May is the month of Yunatsvo a month where we pay special attention to those growing up in the organization. This year's day was little different. The exciting day began with liturgy at Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ardeer. CYM members and their parents reflected on the role of CYM in their upbringing. What positive attributes do belonging to CYM brings to ones’ character. How lucky we all are to eb able to find lifelong friends in this process. Following liturgy is was off to the Ukrainian Hall, where a large banner was painted to mark the occasion. An Apel followed, where as a team joined together members and listened to the reasoning and of the significance of their role around the world.

After the official part of the day was over, it was time for a delicious lunch. Hen the real excitement began. Nature visited CYM - Yunatstvo took the opportunity to observe and handle different reptiles, such as snakes, turtles, lizards and frogs. Slithering snakes, crawling lizards, croaking frogs and slowly moving turtles. Instructors explained intricate details about each reptile and animal.

Although the experience was slightly overwhelming for some, most children took great pleasure in this experience. Have you held a snake- some of the Yantasvo did? They can tell you their feelings. Some of Vychovnyky looked terrified and prayed that they weren’t chosen to handle the reptiles.

A disco, full of dancing, singing and laughing concluded this memorable and fun filled day. Yes Yunatsvo is a great part of CYM life.

Theresa Romaniw
Press officer CYM Melbourne

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