New CYM Committee
The CYM AGM was held on Sunday 14th September. The members present heard reports from the outgoing committee, received the financial
reports and answered questions from the floor.
The meeting acknowledged the hard work of the outgoing committee and elected a new President and Committee for the next 2 years.
The new CYM Committee for 2008 - 2010 is:
President: Peter Duma
Members: Juliana Moravski
Stefan Moravski
Tania Senjov
Olya Lutrov
Hania Polatajko
Hanya Senjov
Andrew Lech
Mary Lech
Julie Semcesen
Peter Romanyk
Natalya Duma
Helen Bakaj
Audit Committee
Chairman: Dmytryk Moravski
Members: Roman Zachariak; Paul Senjov
Many thanks go to Juliana Moravski and the previous committee members for the wonderful achievements during the previous term.