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This site in Ukrainian Spring Camp CYM Geelong and Melbourne Starshe Junatstvo

22 Junatstvo from CYM Geelong and Melbourne along with some vykhovnyky and parents, arrived at the CYM camp Karpaty near Buxton, on Friday 15th September -1st night of the Term 3 school holidays. Old friendships were quickly re-kindled and new ones made during dinner and preperation for the two day hike that ws planned for saturday and Sunday. After breakfast Saturday morning, juntastvo participated in a hutirka on the structure of our Ukrainian Community in Australia, the deifferent organisations, how they came about and the roles they performed.
Late morning saw a departure for the Cathedrals and by midday 19 junaky and 3 junachky were climbing up the hillside. this was the longest and hardest part of the walk and with some good teaming (sharing around of tents, water and anything else the yougest ones found too heavy) everyone made it to thye top of the range in a couple of hours. After a goofd rest and lnch, the three groups into which everyone was divided walked just below the ridgeline to the camp site at the Farmyard. Everyone had fun (and some were challenged) putting up tents and cooking dinner. It wasn't long before the sky darkenned and a multitude of stars lit up the sky. It was an early night for most - with some of the older junaky taking a while loner to sing and talk themselves to sleep... Sunday mornings sun was early and bright. At a leisurely pce evryone packed up, had breakfast and started back down into the valley. A long restful break by a crystal clear and very cold creek refershed all and the last few kilometres were completed at a rapid pace, where all were picked up and transported back to camp late afternoon.
After a tasty dinner, some night games kept everyone entertained. On Monday morning a 'Laser Tag Challenge' had been organised - similar to paintball but without the mess and pain. This kept all the junatstvo (and a few parents) entertained until lunch. After packing and cleaning up, it was time to go - with the appetite now whetted for the end of year national CYM Camp at Colo River in Sydney
  This site in Ukrainian

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