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This site in Ukrainian National CYM Tabir 2006-2007
During the Christmas break, CYM tabir took place on a National level between the 23rd December 2006 to the 2nd January 2007 at the Sydney campsite ‘Hoverla’. Five Starche Junaky & Junachky and 5 Druzkynyky attended from CYM Geelong, and enjoyed the highlights the tabir had to offer. Some embarked on the journey a few days earlier, already having to pay extra for overweight luggage, but also giving an opportunity to explore Sydney and its tourist attractions. But this was only just the beginning of a fantastic two weeks. Arriving at the tabir grounds ‘Hoverla’ near the Colo River, many of the junaky and junachky already had began liasoning with other members from different oseredky. It provided an opportunity to rekindle old friendships and develop new ones. The first night provided an opportunity for ice-breakers where the junaky and junachky were split into teams to demonstrate their ability to try and mimic machines.
The official opening of the tabir on December 24th saw our very own Druh. Mark Tkaczuk take the official role as Kommandant of the tabir. Many arrivals came after the Australian Christmas weekend, and led to another opportunity of developing more friendships. The days were spent discussing ‘Displaced Persons’ being the theme of the tabir, as well as enjoying the many benefits of the chilling Colo River. The discussions proved to be very interesting and captivating as people told stories of how their Baba’s & Dido’s had escaped or left Ukraine and ended up in DP camps. Their stories of trial and tribulation proved to be a very moving experience. Other lectures included the development of the organisations and committees that were established firstly in the DP camps and brought to Australia and how they continued to thrive over the years.
Another highlight was the Tabir Wedding with Druh Tim Kril (Melbourne) and Podruha Bohdanka Hontar (Canada) enjoying the celebrations. Many laughs were had and it provided an insight into the traditions of our Ukrainian culture.
Not only were the lectures and the wedding a great experience, but the canyoning hike at Woollongambe River was a very exciting experience. Practises and trials took place on the Colo River demonstrating how strenuous the activity was. The canyoning hike was led by Druh. Kommandant Mark Tkaczuk and Druh. Andrew Duma (Sydney). Leaving tabir in the afternoon of the 28th December, many were excited and looking forward to the days ahead. There were two groups each led by the two leaders. It proved to a be a very long and challenging hike that involved floating on the lilo with a backpack, climbing over rocks and even delving into caves to continue the hike. This was also met with rain and thunder, but this didn’t deter us determined hikers. After the first day, many had enjoyed the experience but had voted no to a second day. Those that didn’t go on the hike enjoyed relaxing at the local pool in Windsor.
After arriving back from the hike, we were treated to another Ukrainian tradition-Svjat Vechir & Koljady. Everybody was also looking forward to the New Years festivities even though they were still another night’s sleep away. New Years Eve brought a new sense of excitement as everyone was ready to dance and party the night away. It proved to be a very successful evening with many people enjoying the atmosphere and the Vatra outside. Everybody greeted the New Year with open arms and was celebrated with a giant Kolomyjka.
As the tabir drew to a close, it became obvious that many of the junaky and junachky didn’t want to leave. Final goodbyes and promises to keep in touch were made. All in all, it was a fantastic tabir with great fond memories to be shared by all. The Geelong Junaky & Junachky would like to thank the Komanda of the tabir for making it such a pleasant experience and the Sydney oseredok for hosting the 2006-2007 National tabir. By Adam Jartym
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