Vohon Dance Practise
CYM Perth's starsche unatstvo dance group has started practise again after the holiday break.
If you are keen to get into Ukrainian Cossack Dancing and are between the ages of 13-18,
then practise is on every Friday (except the third Friday of every month) from 8:00 to 10:00.
If you do not fall into the above age group but are still keen, there is always the Molodsche
Unatstvo dance group who will take anyone up to the age of 13. Practise is on Every Friday
from 7:00 to 8:00. If you are part of the Youth Dance Program, please make sure that you attend
the assigned dance lessons to help continue the dance tradition.
If you are over the age of 18, it is still possible to dance with Roztiazhka Ukrainian Cossack
Dance Group. If you want any more information on any of the dance groups, then contact the
CYM Perth webmaster