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Цей сайт Англійською A Few Thoughts

Whoa! What a way to end 2004. After three years of national tabirs it was nice to take things down a gear and just have a traditional, small Perth tabir. If anything this tabir was the full circle of what has been a memorable year. Starting with last year’s tabir and continuing into many youth initiatives such as the Ukrainian Language Classes and a much stronger bond between all the Ukrainian youth in Perth, it was again shown at this tabir and ensured to continue well into 2005.

It was also a time for many people to step up in the community and take a voice and a stand. With many druzkenyky playing leadership roles. Also for many of the young CYM members it was the first time they ever saw druzhenyky at a local Perth tabir, something that was badly needed but always lacking for a number of years. Good on all the Druzhenyky who took time to help out those younger than them. Maybe one day they’ll pass on the favour to those younger than themselves.

I think that maybe it would have been nice to have more activities to do but most people got around this problem and created their own activities. Збитки seemed to be one of the most popular alongside arts and crafts. It was also good to go on the day hike although the weather wasn’t so kind and also to enjoy the night hike.

Along the way we all took time to think about all the great stories everyone has had up at tabir and Chidlow and the place now is more than just a block of land but an emotional attachment. It is strange but in our conversations today, Chidlow still makes an appearance with a story or two always being told of what happened or what could have been. It’ll be sad to see the place go.

But if there is one thing I’ve learnt from tabir it could probably be summed up by saying, ‘It isn’t the places you go that count, but the people you meet along the way.’ With that in mind I hope to see you all at tabir at the end of 2005…

…Wherever it might be?

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  Цей сайт Англійською

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