Bibbulmun Track Hike 2001
The BIBBULMUN track hike went ahead with 2 Starshe Unatstvo and 2
Drushynyky taking to the track on Anzac Day. We set off from Brookton highway on an 11km walk towards our first stop for the hike which was
at the Canning Campsite Shelter. After we got to the shelter, it was great to
relax and rest up for the next days hike towards our next shelter stop.
After a rather
restless nights sleep we headed off at 8:30am for the start of our
16km walk to our next destination which was Monadnocks Campsite. We found this to be quite challenging as the track was quite steep in sections and we were very
glad when
we finally made it to the shelter for the night. Along this section we crossed over the Canning River and walked through Virgin Jarrah forests. As our bodies and legs
were aching some of us were not too sure how we would go with the last leg of our
hike, which was a 7km walk up Mt Cuthbert,and Mt Vincent towards Sullivan Rock
was our pickup point.
We rose early and were hiking by 7:30am. After spotting a wild pig we ventured up Mt Cuthbert and discovered we were actually walking through a cloud. Although it shielded the view, it was an amazing feeling and were soon greeted with spectacular views from the summit of Mt Vincent a few hours later.
When we finally reached Albany Highway, even though our bodies were still aching and our legs feeling very tired, all of us agreed that
we were glad that we went ahead, and now are looking forward to maybe
doing another section of the Bibbulmun track in the near future.
Look here for photos