VIII World Zlet of CYM's Druzhynnyky
During the meeting of the World UYA Executive (Svitova Uprava CYM) in Kyiv in August 2008, plans for the VIII World Druzhynnyk Zlet were proposed and approved. The VIII World Druzhynnyk Zlet will take place during the Winter Olympics in February, 2010, in Vancouver, Canada. The World UYA Executive has since called together an organising committee comprising of members from the World UYA Executive, the World Druzhynnyk Committee, and the National UYA Executive in Canada.
In the following months, newsletters containing detailed information regarding the VIII World UYA Zlet will be sent to all National UYA Executives, including registration and program details. In this initial announcement, we include general details of the World Zlet, and attach an advert that can be used in your countries to advertise this event. We have designed individual adverts for every National Executive, and have left space on the advert for you to add your contact details, so that Druzhynnyky in your country can contact you directly.
Vancouver, Canada
12-21 February, 2010 (During the Winter Olympics)
Druzhynnyky (18+ years)
What’s in the program?
Sightseeing; Olympic events; discussions; community gatherings; and more!
It is foreseen, that the registration cost will be approximately CDN$1,500 (excluding travel to Vancouver)
- Participation is limited to 100 Druzhynnyky.
- Registration forms will be sent soon.
- Registration will include a non-refundable deposit of CDN$250, which must be sent by 31 January, 2009. (Payment details will be sent with registration forms).
Registration forms and payment will be via National Executives, who should confirm the participation of their Druzhynnyky. Information detailing the registration process will be sent shortly.
It is asked that all National Executives distribute the above information to their branches, and especially ensure that it is sent to all Druzhynnyky. Should you have any questions or queries, please contact the organising committee via email of the World Druzhynnyk Committee –