EMAU's Project Lifeline
The Emergency Medical Aid for Ukraine (EMAU), under the auspices of the Ukrainian
American Youth Association, has initiated a new, vital project in its
attempt to aid Ukraine in areas of medicine. For the past seven years, EMAU has
been successful in initiating and completing several major medical projects,
supplying not only necessary equipment (costs equaling several million dollars),
but also the necessary ongoing medical support. EMAU has been successful in
integrating doctors and nurses from American hospitals to volunteer their time
to travel with the new medical equipment to Ukraine and pass their knowledge on
to the medical staff in Ukraine. The support system, along with the medical
equipment, has substantially upgraded the medical institutions throughout Ukraine
and has positively altered the lives of many ill Ukrainians.
EMAU has initiated a new project called Project Lifeline: Pediatric Dialysis.
This aim of this project is to establish and support a pediatric dialysis unit
in the Lviv Oblast. Currently only one such dialysis unit exists, in Kyiv. This
project will be cosponsored by the Lviv Oblast Special Pediatric Hospital. EMAU
has had an excellent relationship with the hospital in the past, and find the staff
exceptionally competent, caring, honest and eager to work with EMAU to provide
the children of Ukraine with good medical attention.
With the financial support of generous individual donors and corporate
donations from Baxter Corporation, this project can been successfully implemented.
All donations (100%) are applied toward the purchase of medical equipment. Any
administrative, traveling costs, and other non-medical related costs are
paid by the coordinators and volunteers personally.
Any donations, questions or comments can be referred to the coordinators of EMAU:
Roman & Hania Dashawetz
EMAU-Medical Relief Fund
22 West Split Rock Drive
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Please help save the lives of the children living in Ukraine by contributing to this project!