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This site in Ukrainian Ukraine's New Cardinal

Former taborovyky (summer campers) at CYM's Ellenville, New York oselya may remember him. In the late 50's and early 60's, while pastor of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in nearby Kerhonkson, he served as Chaplain to sumivtsi at the Ellenville campground for a number of summers, celebrating Mass, hearing confessions, and spending time with young sumivtsi during their summer vacations.

AP Photo In an announcement in late January, Pope John Paul II named this former CYM Chaplain, Lyubomyr Husar, Major Archbishop of Lviv, to be among the newest cardinals of the Catholic Church. Lyubomyr Husar was just days before also elected head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. The announcement came five months before Pope John Paul's scheduled June trip to Ukraine, despite reported objections to his arrival from some in the Ukrainian Orthodox church. A ceremony where Husar (and other new appointees) will be elevated to cardinal, will be held on February 21st.

Upon hearing the news of Vladyka Husar's elevation, Petro Kosciolek, the current head of Ellenville oselya's administration, wished the Cardinal well in his role within the Church. "We remember our former Chaplain in our prayers, as I'm sure he remembers those on whom he had such a great influence many decades ago", Kosciolek remarked. "We wish him well in his new responsibilities. May God bless him and guide him!"

Vladimir (Vlodko) Kowaliwskyj, who attended summer camps at CYM during the years that Rev. Husar spent there, fondly remembers the man. "My friends and I were altar boys, and served whenever Father Husar celebrated Mass for us. He would come to oselya for the campers, and later would travel back to his own parish to celebrate Mass there. I remember him as a man who deeply cared for the young people, and would always find time to talk and listen to us!"

Sumivtsi and Ukrainians from all corners of the earth welcome Cardinal Husar in his new role as cardinal and leader of the Ukrainian Catholic Church!

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