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This site in Ukrainian NYC CYM Members Honor Famine Victims
by Lida Mykytyn

New York City - This day marked the official commemoration and remembrance of all victims that were murdered during the NYC Famine 1999 genocidal crime of the UkrainianFamine of 1932-33. The Ukrainian community rallied together in order to pay respect and homage to these victims. A solemn procession and a liturgy in St. Patrick's Cathedral were organized, beginning in front of St. George's Catholic Church on East 7th Street and in front of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on East 11th Street. The two congregations merged together and clergy from both religious orders led the solemn march. CYM and Plast officially partook in the commemoration, as did many Ukrainians from communities extending from Hartford, Connecticut all the way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. NYC Famine 1999 One truly united community remembered the horrible atrocities of the Famine of 1932-33.

The solemn procession started at 11 AM and stretched along 3rd Avenue until reaching St. Patrick's Cathedral. The march numbered at least 1000 persons, from the older to infants. Many more Ukrainians, who were unable to partake in the solemn procession, waited in the Cathedral. Upon the start of the liturgy, St. Patrick's Cathedral was packed with mourners. Present in the cathedral were representatives from the United States government, as well as representatives from the Ukrainian Consulate and government. As the clergy of the Ukrainian Catholic and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches entered the main entrance of St. Patricks Cathedral, the choir "Dumka" echoed spiritual and emotional song. Their sympathetic voices were heard throughout the entire liturgy. NYC Famine 1999

A special mention should be made of Volodymyr Kurylo, a CYM member from Binghampton, New York, who understood the significance of the commemoration of this sad event in Ukrainian history, and within a six week period was able to coordinate the entire community, organize the solemn march as well as the liturgy in St. Patrick's Cathedral.

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