Educational Council Directors from around the world traveled to Toronto,
Canada to participate in a Conference from
27-29 October, 1999.
The Conference provided Educational Council Directors the opportunity to share information regarding their work with CYM youth in thier respective countries.
Conference proceedings were led by Nadia Tataryn, the World Executive's
Youth Council Director.
Representing their countries were the following Council members:
- Halya Derkatch,
Pgm. Director, Ukraine
- Lesja Holfoth,
Assistant Pgm. Director, Germany
- Genia Mandzij,
Pgm. Director, Great Brittain
- Tatiana Zachariak,
Pgm. Director, Australia
- Irene Jendzjowsky
Pgm. Director, Canada
- Marianna Znak
Co-Pgm. Director, USA
Also in attendance were Wira Hajdamacha, President, CYM World Executive;
Ihor Symchych, President, CYM Ukraine; Peter Duma, President, CYM Astralia;
Andriy Bihun, Chairman, CYMnet Committee.
The participants reported on past and ongoing educational activities
in thier respective countries, discussed a wide agenda of topics,
and took advantage of an opportunity to share experiences, ideas
and knowledge about a number of areas in education.