Ukraine's President Yushchenko Visits Brussels
We could not take advantage of the arrival of the President of Ukraine to Brussels on 22 February 2005 as an opportunity for a general community meeting with him, because of the full schedule f the visit. All was supposed to go “as per protocol”.
Nonetheless, through the auspices of UDK-OUB-CYM and with the support of the Embassy of Ukraine, a small group from these organizations were able to greet and meet the official visitor in the Hotel Conrad, where he was staying as a guest.
The delegation of the Ukrainian community organizations, among which were youth, included the leaders of OUB - Halyna Shapoval-Bylyna, CYM Belgium – Andrij Choma, and Danylo Bojko of UDK-CYM, and was accompanied by the First Secretary of the Embassy of Ukraine, Mrs. Tetiana Shpakovych. The delegation greeted the President with flowers, oral and written formal greetings and well wishes, and the singing of the Ukrainian National Anthem.
The warm atmosphere that the arrival of the delegation brought about made for an emotional moment and the wish for a prolonged visit, so the entire group along with the President moved to the foyer of the hotel. In this more comfortable setting, the children surrounded the President, which the delegation of adults stood aside. Yunak Maxim Mykhailuk performed Skoryk’s “Melodiya” on the violin, as well as the traditional “Mnohaia Lita” and concluded with “Shche Ne Vmerla Ukraina” to which all present joined their voices.
Having expressed wishes for a fruitful visit to the visiting President of Ukraine, the delegation bade farewell to an evidently emotionally touched President, who had gave of his time to a few equally grateful fellow countrymen.
- D. Bojko (Photos by A. Choma)