The annual meeting of CYM's Svitova Uprava took place on 16-17 August 2008 in the city of Kyiv
at the S. Bandera Center of National Rebirth.
Participants of the Plenum included elected members of Svitova Uprava, heads of the
National Executives of Germany, Canada, the United States, Estonia, Ukraine and official representatives of
National Executives in Australia and Argentina.
The meeting was attended as well by invited guests from CYM in Ukraine, the United States, Canada and Great
On the first day reports were heard from elected members of Svitova Uprava as well as from National Executives.
Discussed were issues related to the "Pravylnyk Yunatstva" and "Pravylnyk Druzhynnykiv"; the children's
magazine "Krylati"; historical archives of Svitova Uprava; updates on work within CYMnet, Druzhynnyky and other
Svitova Uprava projects.
The Svitova Uprava approved a Haslo for 2009:
«Õòî áîðåöü – òîé çäîáóâຠñâ³ò» (Oles Babij)
During the meeting several new projects were presented:
- «World Vykhovnyk Conference» (2009), to be held in Canada's St. Catherine's oseredok. Program to include
discussions and exchange of experiences on the topic of leadership, spiritual growth, work with sumenyata, molodshe
and starshe yunatstvo.
- «CYM World Druzhynnyk Zlet» (12-21 February 2010), in Vancouver, Canada. Program to include attending
Olympic games as well as organized group sessions / discussions about the evolution and activities of Druzhynnyky;
numerous tourist excursions.
- A high priority topic at this year's meeting was the issue of expanding CYM to countries in central Europe with
growing populations of Ukrainian emigrants.
Svitova Uprava reached a decision to contact Ukrainians in central European countries (through churches where appropriate);
to propare brochures and other materials describing CYM and its role in the community; and to conduct formative meetings
and seminars to inform Ukrainians about CYM in Europe. Approved was the text of an appeal to Ukrainians to help form CYM
organizational branches in their countries.
Svitova Uprava extends its thanks to the National Executive of CYM in Ukraine as well as the Kyiv Oseredok for their help
in organizing this year's meeting and for their warm hospitality.