CYM is represented at the
World Congress of Ukrainians
In Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, from 18-21 August, 2003, Ukrainians from throughout the
diaspora attended the VIII World Congress of Ukrainians.
Among the approximately 500 delegates from 24 countries was CYM's delegation, headed by Yury Nakonechny,
President of the CYM World Executive.
CYM members from around the globe send their congratulations to
CYM member Askold Lozynskyj, who was re-elected as President of the World Congress of Ukrainians!
A presentation of worldwide CYM memorabilia at CKY.
CYM members fro the Kyiv oseredok created a
visual presentation using materials brought to Kyiv from various CYM locations:
America, Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Great Britain and Ukraine.
Commemoration of Ukraine's Great Famine of 1932-1933.
CYM's Yury Nakonechny speaks at KYMO.
Meeting of "KYMO" - the Conference of Ukrainian Youth Organizations.
Tfirst session of CKY was a meeting of
"KYMO", the Conference of Ukrainian Youth Organizations. The future of KYMO and its
mission were widely discussed, and its Presidium for the next 5 years was elected:
Marta Kuzmowycz (Plast), Jaroslava Rubel (Plast),
Andriy Bihun (CYM), Wira Hajdamacha (CYM).
Elected as Chairman of the Presidium
was Andriy Bihun, with Marta Kuzmowycz as Vice-Chair.
Kyiv sumivtsi prepared CYM's memorabilia presentation:
Yulia Solovianchyk, Nelia Lavrynenko, Taniz Zaseps'ka.
Photographs: Ihor Symchych (Ukraine), Myroslav Hochak (Serbia)